Thursday 28 May 2015

this a message  abut the human rights, in the Basque country the human rights are very important and there are very respected because in may opinion is very important.  but I have to say that the Basque people sometimes are a bit racial..

In the Basque country in my opinion the human rights are very important because I think that in the civil war of Spain in the Basque country the human rights has have any sense in that moment because of the war... also ETA was created and wasn’t good for the Basque country socially.

I think in the Basque culture the human rights are mostly respected, that’s the key the RESPECT. There are people that hasn’t got any respect to anyone. The main respect is the respect of the live.

To make a country are very important the human rights and politically also.

I think that people aren’t interested in the human rights and if people had a bit of interest on the human right the word can have a environment in all aspects.

thaks to my readers.

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